Environmental Regulations

Learn about the environmental regulation in Chile.


Protection of the Environment

One of the key instruments of environmental management envisaged under Chilean law is the Environmental Impact Evaluation System (SEIA), which is administered by the Environmental Evaluation Service (SEA).

The implementation or modification of all the projects and activities indicated in Article 10 of Law 19.300 (Organic Constitutional Law on the Environment) must be submitted to the SEIA. Some of these are: High-voltage power transmission lines and their substations; Power plants larger than 3 MW; Nuclear reactors and facilities and related installations; Oil, gas, mining and other similar pipelines; among others.


Alternatives for entering the SEIA

The owner of a project or activity subject to environmental evaluation must present an

Environmental Impact Declaration (DIA) to the SEIA or, if the project or activity generates or involves any of the effects, characteristics or circumstances envisaged in Article 11 of the Law, an Environmental Impact Study (EIA), like Risk to the health of the population, due to the quantity and quality of effluents, emissions and waste and Significant adverse effects on the quantity and quality of renewable natural resources, including the ground, water, and air; among others.


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