Start your business in Chile

Find key information about the process of establishing a company in Chile

There are three stages of starting a business in Chile as a foreign investor: Legal constitution of the company; starting activities before the SII, and getting de Municipal License


Tu Empresa en un Día (Your  company in one day) 

Through the Tu Empresa en un Día (Your Company in One Day) portal, a company can be created in a simple online process that, for small businesses, is free of charge. For further information, see

Tradicional method

Companies must, in general, be established by public deed. In some cases, however, a private deed, with the founders’ signatures witnessed by a public notary, suffices. The company structures most commonly used by foreign investors in Chile are Individual limited liability company (EIRL); Limited liability company; Corporation (S.A.), public or closed; Stock company (SpA).

Procedures before the (SII)

There are four steps for an enterprise to starting activities before the SII in Chile: Register a domicile or residence for tax purposes; Obtaining a tax number (RUT); Starting activities; and Stamping of documents.

Permits and a Municipal License

A number of permits may be required in order to undertake the economic activity. Depending on its nature, they may be issued by, for example, the corresponding municipal government or the Regional Office of a Ministry (SEREMI).



How to set up a Company in Chile?  

Find key information about the process of establishing a company in Chile.


